
What is a Job?
At work, you will likely find that people tend to use the term job to mean different things at different times. Job could represent the AutoSys JM job, the remote agent job, or the application job that the AutoSys JM job is attempting to run.

  • AutoSys JM Job: A definition you create that instructs the system what command, executable, or batch file to run.

  • Remote Agent Job: A service (Windows) or process (UNIX) that runs on a client machine, and handles communication between that client machine and Unicenter AutoSys JM.

  • Application Job: The command, executable, or batch file that is started by the remote agent.

What is an Instance?
The term instance is used to represent a licensed version of  AutoSys JM and at least one client machine running a unique Remote Agent. In reality, your operation is likely to have dozens of Remote Agents communicating concurrently with the same database. Any status  changes or service requests posted to the database are called Events.

Component Description
Event Server :Stores all events and AutoSys JM job information (relational database).
Event Processor : Interprets events. Evaluates AutoSys JM job definitions and notifies a Remote Agent to initiate actions.
Remote Agent : Performs tasks; sends resulting job statuses back to the Event Server.
UNIX : a remote agent is a temporary process started by the Event Processor to perform a specific task on a remote (client) machine.
Windows : a remote agent is a Windows service running on a remote (client) machine that is directed
by the Event Processor to perform specific tasks.

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